Saturday, December 25, 2010

and so this is christmas

Love this scene from Georgia Rule

packing guide from Kim Gordon's Wildfox blog

i'm in nyc, love this city, am currently running late for christmas lunch though so more info later

Merry Christmas friends and foes!

Peace, love and poison.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

no more excuses

So i haven't posted in ages but i'm not going to make any excuses i've been having a fucking sick time over here! 

I'm going to the AMAs tomorrow night so pretty excited for that, more posts soon...

Peace, love and poison.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

lions in cages

Peace, love and poison.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

just another girl who's star struck

last six photos mine from Delta Gamma events and LA klaxons concert

So i've been MIA once again, but like some smart chick once said, better to be living life than writing about it.
So i joined a sorority over here, and it's been so fun! all the girls are great, i'm so happy!

Went to LA for a Klaxons concert last weekend and got invited to hang with the band after which was pretty cool. Also met the guys from wolf gang who were all really fun.. we were swing dancing and drinking and making forts till sunrise, just the recipe for a pretty amazing night if you ask me.

Peace, love and poison.

Friday, September 24, 2010

party mix

a mixed bag of right click saves.

i was in this camera store a few days after her, ahhhh

these last 8 pictures are all mine from LA.

Peace, love and poison.


beautiful, perfect for summer!

Peace, love and poison.