Showing posts with label models. Show all posts
Showing posts with label models. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wear your passion

So i did work experience at Cosmo a few weeks back and it was really interesting, i did a pretty good mix of different sorts of jobs: researching stories, writing runners, typing old stories, cleaning the beauty cupboard, coffee runs and photocopying of course, and returning/picking up things for the fashion girls. While i didn't learn anything completely ground breaking it was great to see behind the scenes of one of my favourite magazines. I also got to be in their wardrobe workbook shoot which was really fun, i was wearing a great Maurie and Eve jacket and a fuschia dress and given the task of effortlessly flipping my hair to the side..while smiling and looking down at the camera... eventually the photographer had his assistant step in to flick my hair back and forth for me.. now to wait until the april issue to see if they print a nice photo of me.. fingers crossed! also crossing my fingers that the footage the ParkStTV crew took of me in the makeup chair pre makeup sees the cutting room floor pretty quick smart....please? Filming post hair/makeup would be excellent to see on Arena though, have to say!

I was also lucky enough to help out with the fashion shoot after ours finished. The model was Marnee Kidd, a Dolly Magazine favourite doing her first shoot for Cosmo! She was really nice and the whole crew were pretty fun, between snack runs for chocolate, lollies and reeses' and trying to find the sesame st version of whip my hair everyone was in a pretty good mood, they got some great shots of Marnee and some of the outfits were absolute perfection.. I have my eye on a little piece from Bec and Bridge when it hits stores!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


 I was surprised to notice three people i know are in the new issue of covet magazine. Two modelling - Jayde Pummeroy who i went to school with- and Olivia Arezzolo - who i went to uni with- and lastly a story/slight  interview with Nick Bracks.

nick's photo in covet via his facebook

 and my fave pics of liv from her folio (via facebook) these ones aren't in covet but anyway.

As a whole it's not a bad read and all three of them look great in it :)

check it out:

Peace, love and poison.